Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog task

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog task

Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet #54: Introduction to Postmodernism. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets - you'll need to save the factsheet to USB or email it to yourself in order to complete this at home. Read the factsheet and answer the following questions:

1) Read the section on Strinati's five ways to define postmodernity. What examples are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society (media-isation)?

Strinati gives us one example of postmodernity through mediaization to show how an advertisement campaign can make or break a product. A advert that can create commercial success despite the product being poor quality is a great advert but on the other hand a high quality product can be a failure if its  advertising is not up to scratch.

2) What is Fredric Jameson's idea of 'historical deafness'?

 Fredric Jameson argues that as mediaization increases so does the culture and the culture then finds itself losing some of its vital historical context. 

3) What examples and theories are provided for the idea of 'style over substance'?
People are strongly influenced by branding when buying products. The label sometimes becomes more important than the product itself and packaging more important than the
contents. People will pay high prices for products which bear the logo of a fashionable label egardless of the actual quality of the product.

4) What examples from music are provided for the breakdown of the distinction between art and popular culture? Can this be applied to Deutschland 83?

• In postmodern culture Andy Warhol created multi-coloured

prints of the Mona Lisa (high art) and Campbell’s soup cans

(low art)

• Pop music (low art) often samples classical music (high art)

• Advertising (low art) often makes reference to visual art (high

art) or uses classical music (high art) to help sell its products

5) What is bricolage? What examples of bricolage can be found in Deutschland 83?

Bricolage is the process of adapting and juxtaposing old and new texts, images, ideas or narratives to produce whole new meanings. in the show we see this in the devastating contrast between the east and west Germany borders

6) How can the audience pleasures of Deutschland 83 be linked to postmodernism?
The show uses brands and technology from the past which allows the audience to see it from a modern perspective. The main narrative of the show revolves around archer but the show also focuses on other key topics such as the fall of communism.

7) Read the analysis of media concepts and postmodern approaches on page 3 of the factsheet. Choose three of the concepts and write an example from Deutschland 83. Clue: genre, representation, ideology and audience would all be good options for this task.
The spy view point the show gives us is quite unique through the way the audience is allowed to see the in montage training Arthur goes through this not only intrigues the audience but makes them feel as though they are learning how to be a spy  we are also let on to secrets the other characters font know about. This is a key aspect in  the theme and genre of Deutschland 83 as the audience have a sense of involvement which keeps them watching.

we are also shown the major difference in the representation between the east and west of Germany which brings a sense of realism to the show as we are given documentary like features in a foreign drama, this not only creates a new viewpoint for thew audience but bring light top the post modern concept of the show as we wouldn't usually see this type of in depth authenticity in a old tv drama that the audience is used to.

8) Now look at page 4 of the factsheet. How does Deutschland 83 demonstrate aspects of the postmodern in its construction and ideological positioning?
Deutschland 83 gives us aspects of postmodernism through how the show is delivered to us the audience because the entire show revolves around the historical context and authenticity of it and at the same time gives a fictional story to attract an audience.

9) Which key scenes from Deutschland 83 best provide examples of postmodernism? Why?
The spy scene gives the audience a familiar james bond feel through the fast pace editing and the use of a montage but allows the audience to feel as though they are also engaged in the training.

10) Why might audiences enjoy the postmodern aspects of Deutschland 83? What audience pleasures might elements of bricolage or pastiche provide viewers?
the audience will definitely enjoy the spying aspect of the drama as they are engaged through camera shots that make them feel as though they are spying on the spy and through the fact we can see whats going on around Arthur as he tries top gather information. the audience is given information that even the spy wont get and this is what they enjoy.l we are also intrigued by the authenticity of 1983 Germany and how the show time travels to such an important era in our history.


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