TV: Capital - representation question

Question 1: To what extent do the representations in Capital reflect the concerns of modern 21st century London life? [25 marks]

Question 2: Capital was produced by the BBC, a public service broadcaster. Do representations in Capital reflect the corporation’s mission to inform, educate and entertain? [25 marks]

Question 3: “Capital is not a crime drama but a family drama.” To what extent do representations of family in Capital support this view? [25 marks]

"To what extent do the representations in Capital reflect the concerns of modern 21st century London life?" (25 marks)
1: Accurate representation of changes in London as house prices continuously rise. In episode 1 at the beginning the flashback depicts society as being better in the past and how it was easier to get a house and live happily, we are shown that as time goes by life and the standard of living deteriorates.
2: The banking system and the ludicrous nature of the financial industry - 

Question 1: To what extent do the representations in Capital reflect the concerns of modern 21st century London life? [25 marks]

Representations in Capital reflect the concerns of modern 21st century London life to a large extent. This is because Capital explores authenticity when portraying London life and its diversity by including characters of different ethnicity, class, gender and family structure. 

One representation in Capital that reflects the concerns of modern 21st century London life is London's very diverse population. the show gives us the audience a very diverse view of London as we see that there are many people of different race ethnicity gender and background.we are initially introduced to Petunia, a old white lady who we kniow has lived on the smae road for the majority of her life. we then see Roger and Arabella who are a white upper-middle class family with 2 children and are portrayed to be very wealthy only worrying about problems that involve money as to some extent nothing else matters to them.. another family we are introduced to is the Kamal family who are an Asian family and live together on top of their off license shop. There are another two people who are shown to be a part of the story line, they work on  Pepys Road, Quentina, an African asylum seeker and Bogdan, a polish builder. This could be seen as a problem of modern 21st century London life because we see how London sees immigrants as they are not shown to be doing middle-class or important jobs but instead they're doing labour intensive jobs. "since January 2015, more than 487,000 migrants arrived in European shores." "78% of immigrants to the UK locate in cities, 43% of those live in London." as a result there is a huge strain on the working population in some areas with jobs such as infrastructure and jobs, we can see this with Quentina as she struggles to illegally work and is not paid her earned amount. She is shown to be exploited by the man who allows her to work for him illegally and the only thing he cares about is the extra money he can make off her as she isnt able to go to anyone to complain about her poor treatment. this shows the harsh reality that is life for the immigrants of London. 

Another representation in Capital that reflects the concerns of modern 21st century London life is the increasing prices of properties in London. throughout the episodes we are given a visual representation of the house rices increasing this too is a major concern in the 21st century as due to the rocketing prices of homes people are now less able to afford thew dreams and luxuries they want in  life such as buying a new house. This could be a concern because we see how the elite residents are set apart from the others as they are the only ones who can afford to buy a house in London with the continuous rising of house prices. Roger is a wealthy man who is working a professional high class job and his wife likes to spend a lot of money.but we can also see that inequality is spread on Pepys road, although some people live on this road, they don't have a high income like roger so are likely to be renting the smaller houses on the road and not living big like roger. this goes to show that londons diversity in the 21st century is not spread in  the best way becuase, yes london is diverse but the ethnic minorities that make this country diverse are mostly struggling or not living their best life like the upper and middle classes of society.


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