Video feedback/learner response
Video feedback/learner response
Create a new blogpost called 'Sound video feedback and learner response'.
1) Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded on your blog.
2) Type up your feedback from your teacher.
4) Type up your feedback from fellow students.
4) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback.
5) Learner response: compare your own video against your evaluation of the top three videos in the class. Whose did you think was best and why? How could you have improved your own video?
Create a new blogpost called 'Sound video feedback and learner response'.
1) Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded on your blog.
2) Type up your feedback from your teacher.
4) Type up your feedback from fellow students.
4) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback.
5) Learner response: compare your own video against your evaluation of the top three videos in the class. Whose did you think was best and why? How could you have improved your own video?
Mr Bush feedback
www: contrapuntal western was effective
sub genre expectation
parallel:period drama follows conventional
western shootout
-action sequence(fast-paced)vs slower music
completely edited clips and music
EBI: include a description(follow instructions)
-embed videos
student feedback:
- variety of different scenes and music
- good use of contrapuntal sound
- parallel sound/contrapuntal sound
- good use of parallel and non diegetic sounds(all sounds fit into scenes)
- contrapuntal and parallel music was used effectively
- contrapuntal sound fit the fighting scene synced together challenges the genre
- second sequence was parallel as it fits the genre
- the action for the 3rd one was a little parallel as the music slowed down to fit in
- sound bridge,work against the scene
- went for a different approach in terms of theme
- the pace of the music went well
- the parallel and contrapuntal sound scenes went well
- the use of the non-diegetical sound matches the gun scene
- had a range of clips from different genres to portray paralleled and contrapuntal sound
- contrapuntal music challenged the genre
- continuous music created a sound bridge
- good use of contrapuntal and parallel sounds
- transitions could be a bit smoother
- use different clips as you only used fighting and dancing
- could use modern videos and see if it syncs
- the last part of the clip wasn't clear as to whether it was parallel or contrapuntal
- try use contrapuntal sounds
- transitions could be better
my own feed back
I think I used contrapuntal and parallel sounds well as they went well with the scenes especially the last one. however i think i could've made the transitions better on my clips and may be used better scenes eg modern scenes or scenes of a different genre.i think i could've mad my video more contrapuntal like Arons by using scenes that would've been the complete opposite to the music playing this would've improved my video.
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